Tuesday, July 8, 2014


Hey all!

     So I'm sorry I wasn't able to get a post up yesterday! It was a boring day with nothing very cool to report. The two groups from Friday switched activities but they were not as exciting as they were on Friday. The same holds true for today. We spent our entire afternoon getting powerpoint lectures. 4 hours on LNG tankers and drill ships.

     I figured since I took a lot of pictures over the weekend, I can put up some and that will be more interesting than explaining what we learned from our hours of Powerpoints!

     So I hope you enjoy, if you were looking forward to seeing a picture of something we have done that isn't included, comment and I will see what I can do to put one up!

- Jake

A view of the beach at Busan

A group of traditional Korean dancers who were performing on an outdoor stage on the beach!

Another view of Busan from a near by island

Food and Vendors at the International Market in Busan

A popular item to sell is socks! They were everywhere!

 There were vendors and people everywhere!

A pretty cool dude we saw cruising out of the fish market

This was weird.... they kept the octopus that they were selling on the ground! 

Dancing to Korean music on the beach!

Interesting sea shells that we had to slurp out of the shells.

Mackenzie's reaction from the sea shells 

Shopping around at the Whale Festival.


All set up for the dragon boat races down the river. The weather wasn't great that day.... :/

The University of Ulsan's Naval Architecture students had their own team, they are in boat number 4

Tons of tents at the festival! 

Beau's roommate, Ji-Hoon is the one banging on the drum!

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