Monday, July 14, 2014

Buddha and Chinese Delivery

     Today was our first weekday not at the shipyard. We started our morning off by meeting one of the naval architecture professors. He gave us a warm welcome and then an overview of the schedule for the rest of the week, which we are all excited about! 

     Following the meeting, we jumped on a bus and headed to Gyeongju. Gyeongju is the old Capitial of South Korea, which was neat to see. We started our tour of the area at a very large Buddhist temple. It was just as big, if not bigger, than the palace we saw in Seoul! This place had all sorts of buildings with different types of Buddhas, each representing something different. It was really neat to see all of the different buildings and gold castings of Buddah. There was a cool pond in the garden as well.
The entrance gate to the temple

Standing in front of the temple

Some of the absolutely amazing paintings on the ceilings. At this place, they don't do any restoration to the paint, everything that was there was original!

These are stacks of prayer rocks; each one represents a prayer that someone gave to Buddah. We learned it is unlucky to knock over a pile, so we were super careful walking around them.

Here is the pond in the garden.

     Next was lunch followed by a short bus trip to a museum. What the museum was for, I still don't know. We pulled up and turns out that it is closed on Mondays. The outer areas were still open, so we walked around for a couple of minutes, and then got into the bus again for a 2 minute ride over to the Kings grave yard. But this was not a normal grave yard. Each King has their own HUGE mound of dirt that they are buried under, and most times, with their families as well. The very last one we went in was on display. We didn't see any skeletons, but we did get to learn how the mounds were constructed and what sorts of things accompanied a King in burial, such as different kinds of jewelry and other things. 
One of the mounds/hills that is actually a large tomb!

     An hour long bus ride home and then we took a little rest before dinner. Dinner tonight was interesting. Since we had spent so much of today walking around outside, we decided to get some Chinese/ Korean fusion delivery food. It was really good, and we got a lot of it. The weirdest thing was how it came to us. In this large silver box, which had all of this heavy duty plastic dish ware. We (the Americans) were really confused as to how delivery food didn't come with disposable things to eat off of. Turns out, when you are done with the meal, you load the silver box up with all of the dishes and any uneaten food, and then leave it outside for the delivery guy to come and pick it up later. Weird.... 

The large metal case that it came in. (and sorry for the poor quality, Iphone pictures at night....) 

     Tomorrow is a early morning for us as we are heading 2.5 hours south to the Samsung and Daewoo shipyards for more tours. It will be really interesting to compare these two yards to HHI! 

- Jake

Oh and here is a bonus picture from friday of us with the CTO of HHI right after he treated us to lunch!

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